
Employees’ Birthday Party in April------ Weimao Electronics

Release time: 2017-05-02 span class="ly">source:  Click: 3000 times

The month of April is a warm season of blooming flowers and growing plants. In order to improve staff’s cohesion and sense of belonging, in 28th April, Weimao Electronics held a birthday party by the first time for employees born in April. The staff of personnel administration department decorated the party room in advance and prepared a specially customized cake and fruits for celebration.


Wearing birthday hats, the birthday people took photos as memorials. They planted candles on the cake, while recalling the moments in the past and making wishes for the future.

The manager of personnel administration department gave his best wishes to the birthday colleagues and said, “This simple party includes one of the company tenets, which is to let every employee live and work happily in a very warm and harmonious family.” 

They made wishes, blow out the candles together, and tasted the cake and fruits.

The first birthday party of Weimao drew to a successful close. It is lucky that we work together, and Weimao’s development is closely related to every employee’s support and dedication. Wish you all the best and happy birthday! 
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